TacticsTraining Make Your Group Ride Faster: It’s About Skill, Not Just Effort Think your group ride is as fast as it could be? You’re probably saying, “I…Kent WoermannMay 16, 2019
NutritionTraining 5 Training Mistakes You Should Avoid I see strong cyclist and weak cyclist alike making the same mistakes every day throwing…Kent WoermannFebruary 7, 2019
PowerTacticsTraining Improving Fatigue Resistance By Kent Woermann It’s mile 10 and your legs are screaming for mercy as you…Kent WoermannFebruary 3, 2019
Training Challenge Session: Hill Repeats to the Death Below is a training session that requires nothing more than a bike, stopwatch, and a…Kent WoermannAugust 8, 2018
CyclocrossTraining Move Up Cyclocross Training Series 2018 This is a 9-week training practice race and clinic series designed to give both new…Kent WoermannJuly 17, 2018
Training Move Up With Your Warm-up Ever start a race and feel like your body wasn't ready for the onslaught of…Kent WoermannJuly 11, 2018
Training Coach Garrick Talks Cornering Clinics By Coach Garrick Corning in a race is a tricky business. Very few riders have…Kent WoermannMay 23, 2018
Training Embrace the Pain! By: Coach Garrick This blog is about puking, drugging unsuspecting citizens, and getting faster on…Kent WoermannMarch 14, 2018
TacticsTraining Criterium Positioning 101 By: Coach Kent If you want to succeed in criterium racing, you need to understand…Kent WoermannFebruary 19, 2018
Training TrainingPeaks Guide for Athletes By: Coach Kent Using a training diary is an athletes best friend when it comes…Kent WoermannNovember 15, 2017